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I'm so glad you're here!

Many of us have felt lost and unsure about our purpose in life, searching answers for ourselves only to feel defeated and in despair. My heart is to let the entire world know: the hope and identity we are all yearning for




He is the embodiment of hope, & with His guidance, we can discover our true calling for this life.


I'll forewarn you; loving Jesus IS easy...but getting free from the grasp of the chains within this life is not. This journey will become messy, it will feel heavy, & even at moments seem downright impossible.


However, I promise you, when you allow yourself to open your heart to know who He truly'll never look back at the life you once knew, & hope will resound from every fiber of your being, even in the darkest of times.


You're not alone.


This ministry is my journey. I've walked some of the coldest paths within my life. I've done wrong, I've been hurt & I've been the one to inflict the hurt, I've faced & overcame addictions but also loved those that succumbed to their addictions. I've held death within my hands, I've wept & begged God for a different outcome to a situation, I've been physically & emotionally abused, I've been manipulated, but have also taken advantage of others myself, I've been lied to but also lied to those I loved. I've fought for my life...


I've fought for my life.


It matters not where you've come from, what you've done, how you've lived...when you meet Jesus, He changes your very DNA to something completely different.


He makes us WORTHY.


Are you ready?


Let's walk this road together with Him.

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